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We try our best to keep your details secure, so other people can't find them. We won't spam you and we won't sell or give your details to anyone else so they can spam you. If you have made an account and want it deleted then you all you need do is ask us using the contact form. We will send you our monthly newsletter, if you would prefer not to receive that you may unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of the newsletter.

The data that we collect is used only to deal with your orders, repairs or warranties on bikes, parts and accessories that you purchase from us or have had serviced or repaired with us. If you have requested that items be delivered, we will need to pass on your contact details to whoever makes the delivery

Our website uses cookies to store your order details and your preferences for such things as preferred currency. No details are shared between our websites and others. However we do use some Google and Paypal components on our website and those companies set cookies which may lead to information being spread across websites. Please also read Google's information page and Paypal's equivalent.